
Buttigieg Leads Sanders in Iowa Delegates, 13-12. So, Who Won? - The New York Times

Buttigieg Leads Sanders in Iowa Delegates, 13-12. So, Who Won? - The New York Times

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., has taken 13 pledged delegates from Iowa’s maligned caucuses and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has won 12, The Associated Press said Friday.

The A.P. had announced Thursday afternoon that it would not declare a winner in Iowa’s first-in-the-nation contest, but the allocation provides new clarity about the accumulation of delegates that are necessary to win the Democratic presidential nomination.

Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts took eight delegates, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. received six and Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota has one, according to The A.P.

The A.P. calculated the distribution of 40 of Iowa’s 41 national convention delegates. It was not immediately clear why the 41st delegate was not allocated, but it may have been withheld because the news service did not declare a winner in the race. That leaves open the possibility that Mr. Sanders could tie Mr. Buttigieg in pledged delegates.

The count of national convention delegates tabulated by The A.P. on Friday added yet another way to measure who won — or at least who is winning — the Iowa caucuses several days after they took place.

But there are several other data sets that have been released, and candidates are spinning the numbers to favor their campaigns. So, here is a quick review of what we know.

If you have been paying attention to the Iowa caucuses and the fall out, you surely have seen lots and lots of numbers.

But at the end of the day to win the democratic nomination, a candidate must secure 1,990 national (sometimes known as “pledged”) delegates.

In the run up to the caucuses, we surveyed media organizations on how they would determine a winner in Iowa, and they basically agreed: state delegate equivalents. Why those? In short, because they determine the number of pledged delegates that each candidate will receive at the national convention.

As of Friday afternoon, Mr. Buttigieg — who did well in rural areas of Iowa — is leading Mr. Sanders — who had success in urban parts of the state — by two S.D.E.s, 564 to 562.

Where Candidates Received Their Support

Circle size is proportional to the amount each candidate led in each county.

By Lazaro Gamio/The New York Times·Note: State delegate equivalents are derived from caucus vote tallies and determine the number of pledged delegates each candidate receives.

The Iowa Democratic Party is reporting that 100 percent of the results are in from 1765 of 1765 precincts.

But The A.P. said Thursday that it was unable to declare a winner, in part because of “evidence the party has not accurately tabulated some of its results.” The New York Times documented extensive errors and inconsistencies in the results in a report published on Thursday.

The A.P. has said that its compellation of results are at 99 percent of precincts reporting, with data missing from one precinct.

On Thursday, Tom Perez, the Democratic National Committee chairman, called for the Iowa Democratic Party to “recanvass,” or basically double check, the results of specific precincts where irregularities had been reported.

It is not clear that the correction of any erroneous data would have much of an effect on the count of S.D.E.s. But in a race this close, even one or two delegates could matter.

Another, potentially more consequential decision surrounds how voters at satellite caucuses are being measured, which you can read more about here.

Without getting too much into the weeds (which you can do here, here or here), for years, the only results the Iowa Democratic Party released were S.D.E.s. But this cycle they also released raw data from the so called first and final alignments.

How the Share of Votes Changed

Difference in the share of first alignment votes, final alignment votes and state delegate equivalents.

By Lazaro Gamio/The New York Times·Note: State delegate equivalents are derived from caucus vote tallies and determine the number of pledged delegates each candidate receives.

The first alignment numbers essentially amount to a tally of the popular vote. The final alignment is a count of how many caucusgoers supported each viable candidate after what is called “realignment”; in realignment, people supporting a candidate who did not earn at least 15 percent support in the room were allowed to shift their support to another candidate — or go home.

Based on the results we have at this point, Mr. Sanders is winning the first alignment by more than 6,000 votes and seems highly unlikely to relinquish a lead. Speaking at his New Hampshire campaign headquarters on Thursday, Mr. Sanders cited that lead as effectively an expression of the popular vote in Iowa.

Mr. Sanders ended the final alignment in front of Mr. Buttigieg by a margin of 2,600 voters.

Mr. Buttigieg, for his part, declared himself the Iowa caucus winner multiple times this week including shortly after caucusgoers went home Monday night and on Wednesday during a conference call with supporters.

That seems likely to depend on who (or which campaign) you ask.

2020-02-07 17:50:00Z

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